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Derek Jeter Mariah Carey My All

Mariah Carey Reveals "My All" Is About Her Romance with Derek Jeter

Singer Shares Details About Inspiration Behind Iconic Song

Exclusive: Carey Admits to Risking Her Life for a Night with Jeter

In a bombshell revelation, legendary singer Mariah Carey has disclosed that her hit song "My All" was penned about her whirlwind romance with former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter.

During an interview with Us Weekly, Carey confessed that the iconic ballad, released in 1997, captured the depth of her emotions during her brief fling with the baseball star. She also revealed that another song from the same album, "The Roof," was inspired by a dangerous encounter with Jeter.

Carey's admission marks a significant departure from her previous silence about the inspiration behind "My All." The song, which topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart, became an anthem for lovers around the world.

Jeter, who retired from baseball in 2014, has yet to comment on Carey's revelations. However, the singer's disclosure has sparked widespread speculation about the nature of their relationship and the behind-the-scenes details of one of music's most enduring hits.
